Happy new year from City of hull scouts

Hello 2025 and here's to another year of creating the do-ers and giving go-ers. The people that speak up and speak out. A year of opportunity's that young people wouldn't get in school.
2024 was a year packed with adventure, over 600 young people aged 4+ learned loads of new skills, from making a cup of tea, how to rock climb, tying a knot, playing their part in a team, being a team leader and so much more. Our groups got up to loads from visiting fire stations to ice skating, hiking, sowing, sailing and camping. All of which was supported by over 200 volunteers. Whether you planned a session, drove the minibus, helped make hundreds of sandwiches on camp or played a part behind the scenes, thank you for coming along on the adventure.
Scouts isn't just great for young people but it's also good for you, by joining us and volunteering you'll be playing an active part in our community. Helping the young people of Hull to try adventures that they wouldn't get a chance to go on at home or in school. Join the adventure!
Coming up in 2025 at Hull Scouts:
- County Camp
- Scouts and Explorers cooking competition
- Explorer Belt expedition to Vietnam
- Check out the rest of them here
As well as loads more in the pipeline
Aged 14+ why not make playing a part in your community your New Year's resolution? Volunteering with scouts in 2025 is easier than ever, with training all provided and a team of dedicated volunteers here to support you every step of the way. Whether you can drive a minibus, plan an event, make a cup of tea, support behind the scenes or run a session we have a role for you. Find out more here
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