Meet the District Team!
Meet our district leadership team, the organisers, supporters and skill sharers. Across the team they support the leaders and sections of our 18 groups, ensuring they have the skills and training in place to share skills for life. As well as helping to liaise between our groups and Humberside County Scouts.

Gary McCune
County / District lead volunteer
Manages and supports the Scout District to ensure it runs effectively and that Scouting within the District develops in accordance with the rules and policies of The Scout Association so that the District provides good quality Scouting for young people and proactively supports and manages adults in the District.

Jon Taylor
District Deputy Commissioner
Works in partnership with the District Commissioner to ensure District provides good quality Scouting for young people and proactively supports and manages adults in the District.

Charlie Trotman
District Youth Lead
Within Charlie's role, they help to ensure our 4 - 25-year-old members' voices are heard, supporting program planning as well as our district vision. Not only this but also champion the amazing things our young people get up to!

Mandie Bingham
District Volunteering Development Team Leader
Ensure all volunteers within the District have a quality volunteering experience, making it easy for people to join and learn new skills.

Alistair Bell
District Deputy Commissioner - District 14-24 Team
Help all volunteers within the Explorer Scout, Young Leader and Scout Network sections to work together to plan and deliver high-quality programmes

Tom Feasey
District Support Team Leader
Provide the tools and resources to enable Scouts to operate effectively.

Debbie Lawton
District Programme Team Leader
Ensure that every Section in the District is providing a safe, fun, enjoyable and high-quality programme. It does this by bringing Section Leaders together with activity experts

Sally Norton
Membership support
Meet our Group Lead Volunteers!

Carl Eden
Sutton Methodist

Joe Dickinson
Who is responsible for what in Hull Scouts?
District Leadership Team
Provide leadership and inspiration to volunteers, and ensures District teams are fully developed, organised and focussed on supporting programme delivery.
- District Lead Volunteer & Deputy District Lead Volunteer
- 14-24 Team Leader
- Programme Team Leader
- Volunteering Development Team Leader
- Support Team Leader
- All Group Scout Leaders
- Ensure recruitment and succession planning are in place so that Team Leader, Incident Management and Trustee Board officer positions in the District are filled.
- In partnership with the District Volunteering Development Team, ensure each member of the District Leadership Team is well-supported.
- Keep itself current with requirements for data, safety and safeguarding. This should involve processing updated rules and guidance, and ensuring relevant topics are discussed in Trustee Board meetings.
District Programme Team
Help Section Teams to run high-quality programmes themselves
- Facilitate networking and peer support amongst Section Teams from all Groups.
- Promote and support the adoption of all programme-related changes e.g. new badges and activities.
- Promote access to international trips and activities for all Sections.
- Support and promote the inclusion of residential activities, helping more volunteers to achieve their Nights Away Permits.
- Work with the Volunteering Development Team to ensure all Section Teams can access relevant learning to support a quality programme.
Provide Section Teams with access to specialist expertise
- Ensure skilled people are available to support Sections’ programmes in areas where they may not have expertise themselves.
- Ensure access to a broad range of adventurous activities, whether through permit holders or external providers.
District Volunteering Development Team
Attract and welcome new volunteers to District and Group teams
- Use Scouts branded resources to attract new volunteers.
- Respond promptly and positively to all new volunteer enquiries.
- Ensure that an accessible and consistent welcoming experience is available
- Carry out inductions with Group Scout Leaders and other members of the District Leadership Team.
Ensure volunteers are well-supported
- Provide support to District Team Leaders (including Group Scout Leaders) to carry out regular informal and formal reviews with volunteers in their teams, to ensure a positive volunteering experience and provide support.
- Signpost learning experiences for volunteers in the District and its Groups.
- Provide volunteers with the guidance and support they need to engage in the learning relevant to them.
- Facilitate learning across the district – e.g. through organising networks, workshops, sharing of best practices and challenges.
- Arrange learning from external sources that would be helpful to volunteers.
- (Transition tasks – delivering and validating modules until replaced)
Ensure volunteers are recognised
- Ensure volunteers are appropriately recognised and appreciated, formally and informally.
District 14-24 Team
Supporting the Explorer Units and Network
- Ensure the views and ideas of young people shape and inform the decisions within the 14- 24 Team and its Sections.
- Work with Section Teams to ensure young people feel welcome, included and activities are accessible to all, making reasonable adjustments to support this.
- Ensure the demographics of young people and adults is representative of the local area.
- Ensure all Scouts in the District reaching 14 years old can join Explorers.
- Ensure all Explorers in the District reaching 18 years old can join Network, adult volunteering, or both.
- Help Network members to volunteer with Scouts.
District Support Team
Engage with the community to support local Scouts
- Create and manage relationships with external organisations where this can support development of Scouts within the District.
- Champion the work of its Groups and Units to create a positive image of Scouts amongst the local community.
- Where appropriate, organise and deliver fundraising events, whilst ensuring this is complementary to any fundraising carried out by Groups and Units.
Enable the opening of new Sections and Groups
- Work with Groups to open/close/amalgamate Sections, informed by local demand.
- Network with other District New Provision functions to share good practice and skills. Ensure we can respond appropriately to incidents
- Work closely with the District Commissioner to appoint a Safeguarding Situation Lead, a Safety Situation Lead, a Resolutions Lead, and a Data Lead
Manage administrative tasks to support teams across the District
- Where delegated by the Trustee Board, provide appropriate financial administration to manage income and expenditure (bookkeeping; payment of expenses/invoices; tracking income/expenditure against budget).
- Email, web, social media, web meeting systems for the District (and, if appropriate, for Groups and Units within the District).
- Any other areas of administration to support the work of other District teams.
- Where staff are appointed, ensure they are managed and recognised appropriately. Manage property and equipment effectively
- Manage the bookings and maintenance for any District-owned property and equipment.
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