Whoever you are, whatever the needs of our young people - we'll have a solution to help young people within the City if Hull. Don't let the additional needs of young people be the reason they miss out on Scouting.
What is a additional need?
We see an additional need as any personal condition or situation that makes it more difficult for one young person or adult, compared to another, to participate fully in the Scouting programme.
Today, it is said that as many as one in five young people may have additional needs and young people in Scouting are no different. Our aim is to include them and as such many groups have young people that may just need a little bit extra attention to ensure that they get everything that is possible from their time in Scouting.
Scouting For All
The aim of Scouting is to promote the development of individuals, and we don't discriminate just because someone needs a little bit more help than someone else. Whatever the particular needs of the people in our care, we want to help them to grow and achieve their full potential.
Younger people, particularly at Beaver Scout age, often require only a little support and their needs are easily integrated into one of our groups. As they get older however, we sometimes find that the particular needs become more pronounced. This could lead to difficulties in participating in the programme, requiring greater levels of support, but don't let that put you off... there's always room for everyone in Scouting.
Kingston Scout Group - Supporting Special Needs
We always try to encourage as many young people as possible to be and remain part of mainstream Scouting, but we also must recognise that for various reasons this cannot always be possible. Within the City of Hull we have a group which specialise in additional needs of young people. Supporting young people between the ages of 8 and 25, the leaders at Kingston Scout Group have many years of experience working with such young people and can provide additional support that may not be available to every Scout group. This could be 1:1 support, providing the facilities to take them away to camp (yes everyone can take part!) or dealing with a specific need - whatever it is, it's no problem!
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