Our newest section for 4 - 6 year olds! Our latest and their first scouting chapter. At an age where minds are fizzing, energy and curiosity sky-high, there is no better way to kick-start their adventure.
20+ Badges
Tree, Two, One go! With over 20 badges for your young person to earn there are always new things to discover. From having that first night away from home to learning about space.

Take the leap
Squirrels are a special touch-the-star's kinda place. It's going to make a difference and the never-ending adventure starts here.

Where friendships begin
It's about learning new skills and making new friends at a time when life is full of WOW and wonder.

Bright eyed and busy tailed recruits
Whether you have an hour a week or a day a year we have a role for you! From behind the screens to face-to-face teaching skills for life, you'll be playing your part in our community.
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