Learning & Development
Brand new? Volunteered for a while? Learn and develop your skills

Whether you are a brand new volunteer or volunteered for a while The Scouts HQ have a range of online and in-person learning and development courses available. From learning how to keep young people safe each week, how to plan a camp, or help young people with additional needs, you're bound to learn something new!
As scouts our priority is keeping our members safe, that's why some of our learning modules need to be renewed every few years. You can find out more about this using the links bellow, or by signing into your scouts.org.uk account.
Keeping people safe.
All adults participating in scouting activity must follow our 'yellow card' this card sets out the code of conduct adults must follow. You can find out more information or raise a safeguarding concern on the scouts website.
Online learning

Branching Out
The learning you can choose to do to develop your knowledge further and get accreditations.
How do I keep track of my progress and access learning?
From our new membership system (available on Scouts.org.uk) head to the 'My learning' section to access all of your learning records.
From here you will be able to explore new modules that you can complete in your spare time, request an assessment and keep track of your progress.
If you manage a team then you will be able to see how they are getting on, enabling you to help them with their journey.
Are there any face-to-face courses?
Yes! Humberside Scout County have a range of courses available to all City Of Hull volunteers going on every year. These include first aid, young leader training as well as skills days. You can find out all about these and any upcoming events on their website.
We are here to help!
Both City Of Hull Scouts and Humberside Scouts have people are resources on hand to help you throughout your scouting journey, from growing roots to branching out we are here to help.
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