By 2025 we will have prepared more young people with skills for life, supported by amazing leaders delivering an inspiring programme.
We will be growing, more inclusive, shaped by young people and making a bigger impact in our communities.
Scouting in 2025 will have:
- 50,000 more young people aged 6-18 in Scouts.
- 10,000 more frontline adult volunteers (Section Leaders and Assistant Section Leaders).
- 5,000 more Young Leaders.
By 2025:
- we will have started Scouts in 500 more areas of deprivation reaching young people who could benefit the most our adult volunteers will reflect the demographics of our society.
- The movement are already looking at the new vision and how Scouting will exist in the future, how it remain relevant and how we can continue to offer great opportunities to our young people and volunteers.
Youth Shaped
By 2025:
250,000 young people will be shaping their experiences at Scouts
- 50% of young people will be achieving the top awards
Community Impact
By 2025:
At least 250,000 young people will be making a positive impact in their community each year.
- 50% of young people will be achieving the top awards.
So what are we doing in Hull?
We always try and encourage young people to be involved in decision making. It might be about choosing what game to play at a weekly meeting, talking about what they would like to do from week to week, or where to hold the camp next summer.
Our growth has continued since the merger of the three Hull districts back in 2012. We have focused on developing groups, delivering a high quality programme and making sure that we remain relevant.
We get out into communities, attending public and civic events, showing off Scouting. Events we have been involved in include National Play Days, the Humber Car Show and the East Yorkshire Show.
We have opened a number of new groups in areas previously not represented by Scouting. This gives more young people the opportunity to be involved and experience our great adventure.
We work with all communities, looking at opportunities to offer Scouting in these areas. We have worked with the Polish community in Hull and have also held meetings with the Muslim community, looking at how they can help us develop Scouting in the City.
As a team, we lead by example. We are visible and available to support our groups and the volunteers that run them. We try to make sure that all groups really do 'do their best'.
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